Outreach and Services

Collage of Entomology and Plant Pathology Outreach Photos


The Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology provides many different ways to learn more about the world of plants and insects; Arkansas' largest insect collection, clubs, an insect fest, insect identification, and traveling outreach programs. Additionally, there are several extension programs available in apiculture (beekeeping), field crops and fruit, nut, and vegetable insect pest management, insect control in animals, and urban pest management (structural and turf.)   

U of A Division of Agriculture Extension entomologists and plant pathologists offer their specific expertise to farmers, ranchers, gardeners, homeowners and more. 

Entomology & Plant Pathology Service and Outreach Areas


The University of Arkansas System Cooperative Extension offers many classes, programs and other resources for Beekeeping in Arkansas.

Arthropod Museum

 The University of Arkansas Arthropod Museum houses the largest research and reference collection of insects and other arthropods in the State of Arkansas.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the re-opening of the Arthropod Museum at our new location on Mitchell Street has been delayed. Details regarding re-opening will be shared once announced. Thank you for your patience, and we hope you’ll be able to enjoy a visit to the University of Arkansas Arthropod Museum soon!

Arkansas Entomological Society

The Arkansas Entomological Society (AES) was formed in order to foster the science of entomology in the state and to enhance communication among those interested in entomology.
Membership is open to all individuals who are interested in the study of insects and related arthropods and is not limited to residents of Arkansas

Educational Resources - Entomology

The department offers general scientific information about insects and helpful links to additional information that can be used in classroom or other youth development programs.

Field Crop Pest Management

University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture crop IPM extension faculty members partner with research scientists and county agents to develop and deliver needed field crop pest management information to growers, consultants, and industry representatives. IPM is an essential part of row-crop production, helping producers farm more efficiently and reduce reliance on pesticides. 

Fire Ant Control

Fire ant pest management is a specific problem in Arkansas getting expert attention. Imported fire ants (IFA) were accidentally introduced into the United States from South America about 70 years ago and the first documented infestation of these ants in Arkansas was in El Dorado in 1958.

Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Pest Management

Blackberry, blueberry, grape, peach, pecan, and strawberry crops are a significant part of Arkansas' agricultural economy. Fruit, nut, and vegetable pest management information is provided by U of A Division of Agriculture IPM extension faculty members.

Animal Pest Management

Insects along with mites and ticks (arachnids) are all too familiar to livestock and poultry producers as well as pet and companion animal owners. Just like pests of agronomic crops, insect control in animals is best managed using integrated pest management. 

Insect Festival of Arkansas

The Insect Festival of Arkansas is hosted by faculty and staff in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology in Fayetteville. This educational event typically draws around 3,000 students, teachers and miscellaneous insect enthusiasts.

Insect Identification

Insect Identification is typically free and can be done with submitted high-quality photographs of the found insect(s). 

Plant Disease Diagnostics

The Plant Pathology Graduate Student Association hosts a booth at the Fayetteville Farmers Market throughout the summer where market-goers can stop by and talk to experts about their plant ailments.

Plant Health Clinic

The Arkansas Plant Health Clinic is located in Fayetteville and is supported by the Division of Agriculture and the Cooperative Extension Service. Samples can be submitted in county offices or at the clinic in Fayetteville.

Traveling Outreach Program

Elementary school classrooms, homeschool, and library groups among others have experienced entomology through traveling educational presentations that highlight the diversity of the insect world and give children the chance to interact with live insects and learn the basics of entomology. Email enplout@uark.edu to schedule a presentation. 

Urban Pest Management

Do you have issues with bugs in your home or office? Urban pest management involves the study and control of arthropods that affect people, animals, and plants in the human environment. It is not restricted to insects found only in cities and smaller communities but includes a much broader area involving insects and other arthropods associated with the peoples’ surroundings.