Research and Outreach
Our department maintains well-balanced research programs and strives to disperse findings throughout the state of Arkansas and beyond through Extension services and departmental educational outreach programs. Through collaboration with the U of A System Division of Agriculture, the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service, our faculty conduct impactful research that is translated from the lab to the field to the food on your table.
Our expertise ranges from fundamental studies of host-parasite physiology to more applied studies of disease control in rice, soybean, cotton, wheat, sorghum, turf, fruits and vegetables. We have a strong research history in biological control of diseases and weeds, virology, fungal biology and nematology. Our department also has wide-ranging extension programs dedicated to education of growers and the general public about managing insects and plant health using the latest available research.

Research Areas
The Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology is dedicated to a mission of research and education in the fields of entomology and plant pathology. Our research areas have vast impact in the health of Arkansans and the rest of the world.
Outreach and Services
Our department and the Arkansas System Division of Agriculture faculty and staff offer their specific expertise and various educational progams to producers, homeowners, schools, teachers and others.

Our department is housed in facilities on the University of Arkansas campus, as well as other U of A System Division of Agriculture facilities across the state.