
Rich Adams
Rich Adams
Assistant Professor
Nick Ryan Bateman
Nick Ryan Bateman
(CES)-Cooperative Extension Service
Associate Professor/Crop Entomologist
Burt H Bluhm
Burt H Bluhm
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Natalie Clay
Natalie Clay
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Associate Professor
Jim Correll
Jim Correll
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Distinguished Professor
Ashley Dowling
Ashley Dowling
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Diversity, Evolution, Systematics, Tickborne Diseases
Martin Egan
Martin Egan
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Associate Professor
Travis Faske
Travis Faske
(CES)-Cooperative Extension Service
Extension Plant Pathologist
Fiona Goggin
Fiona Goggin
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Austin Jones
Austin Jones
Instructor, Director of Undergraduate Education & Outreach Coordinator, AGRI 300E
Neelendra Joshi
Neelendra Joshi
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Associate Professor
Bees, Pollinator Health & Ecology, Toxicology, & Fruit IPM
Rupesh Kariyat
Rupesh Kariyat
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Associate Professor
Insect-Plant Interactions & Chemical Ecology
Taylor Klass
Taylor Klass
(CES)-Cooperative Extension Service
Instructor - Plant Health Clinic
Ken L Korth
Ken L Korth
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Department Chair
Joanna Kud
Joanna Kud
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Assistant Professor
Kelly M Loftin
Kelly M Loftin
(CES)-Cooperative Extension Service
Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Emily McDermott
Emily McDermott
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Assistant Professor
Camila Primieri Nicolli
Camila Primieri Nicolli
(CES)-Cooperative Extension Service
Assistant Professor - Extension Plant Pathologist
John C Rupe
John C Rupe
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
University Professor
Ples Spradley
Ples Spradley
(CES)-Cooperative Extension Service
Associate Professor
Preferred first name: Ples
Terry N Spurlock
Terry N Spurlock
(CES)-Cooperative Extension Service
Associate Professor
Glenn E Studebaker
Glenn E Studebaker
(CES)-Cooperative Extension Service
IPM Coordinator, Row Crops
Allen L Szalanski
Allen L Szalanski
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Ben Thrash
Ben Thrash
(CES)-Cooperative Extension Service
Assistant Professor
IPM Row Crop Agriculture
Ioannis E Tzanetakis
Ioannis E Tzanetakis
(ENPL)-Entomology & Plant Pathology
Professor of Plant Virology and Director of the Arkansas Clean Plant Center for Berries
Graduate Coordinator for Plant Pathology (PLPA) - AFLS PhD and PLPA MS
Jon E Zawislak
Jon E Zawislak
(CES)-Cooperative Extension Service
Assistant Professor, Apiculture and Urban Entomology